JULY 28– AUG 3, 2019: BOULDER, CO
A community rite of passage culminating in a performance ~ deconstructing the roots of violence along with artistically tending the soils of peace.
Dancing along the edges of our collective becoming, we will creatively transform borders that separate us into bridges that connect us. Golden Bridges … Ones that are built through expressive arts rituals and built upon of the principles of self-care, truth-telling, inclusion, vulnerability, sustainability, and love.
Together, we will creatively move into our own stories while listening deeply to the stories of others across race, class, ability, gender, religion, and culture. Each day will build upon the next, allowing our bodies, hearts, and souls to guide us to a place where we see patterns in our collective story, culminating in co-created performance pieces offering pictures of what is possible on our path of collective peace making.
Experience in the expressive arts and mature integration of one’s personal biography are prerequisites. Applicants will be considered and responded to within three weeks of initial application.
Sunday, July 28th: Movement Mass at the Avalon BallroomMonday – Thursday, July 29th – Aug 1st: Full days at Naropa’s PAC with evening activities each nightFriday & Saturday, Aug 2nd & 3rd: Performance development at Naropa’s PACSaturday night, August 3rd: Public Performance ~ Off the Spectrum
$750 (Includes all programming, art supplies, lunches and some dinners)
Housing at Naropa Dormitories costs $50/per night and includes all meals. Please indicate your request for housing on your application.
Co-sponsored by Golden Bridge and Naropa University.
For more info, please contact 303-415-0272 | office@goldenbridge.org