Creating Art with Ancestors


Creating Art with Ancestors

One of the most creative and immersive experiences I ever had was taking on being the Production Manager for Eye Zen Presents OUT of Site SOMA. What a way to learn about a piece of San Francisco’s queer history by being part of a site specific on the streets theatre walking tour. Seth, the brilliant creator behind Eye Zen, and now a dear friend, talks to Pavini (another amazing Fae) about creating art with ancestors. Published in June of 2019, shortly after the performances.

*I’ve been meaning to upload this and FINALLY have!







The Asian community in the United States has experienced significant, and often unnamed, racism, xenophobia, and fetishization throughout history. This is not a new reality or one that stems solely from racism related to Covid-19. As incidents of harassment and violence towards Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) have risen over this past year, we are yet again faced with more painful reminders of xenophobia, racism, and intolerance towards this community. The shootings on March 16th, 2021 serve as additional horrific acts of violence due to the increasing anti-Asian sentiment growing within our country.

As we stated during the resurgence of the #BlackLivesMatter movement in May 2020 as a result of George Floyd’s murder, we do not want to add to the noise of performative allyship. However, we want to make our stance clear and unequivocal and hold ourselves accountable to continue to learn, grow, and do better by the Asian and other AAPI folks in our lives and in this country.

We will not sit idly by while anti-Asian sentiments, xenophobia, racism, fetishization, and sexism continue to be used as a dismissal of AAPI lives. The Atlanta shooting was motivated by racism and misogyny. Sex addiction is not only an invalid diagnosis, but has been used in this case to justify and normalize the murders of Asian sex workers. This is not ok. We stand beside sex workers everywhere in solidarity.

For allies looking for ways to combat anti-Asian violence and support AAPI communities at this time, we have a list of actions and organizations/fundraisers you can give to if you have the ability. Thank you to @wild diversity for the images and resources.


Nonprofits, organizations, and fundraisers you can support right now:
Stop AAPI Hate , Asian Americans Advancing Justice-Atlanta , The Asian American Advocacy Fund , Bystander Intervention Training to Stop Anti-Asian/American Harassment , Asian Mental Health Project , Red Canary Song , The GoFundMe page for Hyun Jung Grant's family , GoFundMe set up by Vicha Ratanapakdee's family , SEARAC , The Asian Law Caucus , Chinese Progressive Association , Asian American Feminist Collective , Dear Asian Youth , Heart of Dinner

We want to lift up voices of AAPI activists, organizations, and resource/education articles. Here are a few that we follow and would encourage you to check out: (thank you Practical Audacity for the resources)



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As a collective that is committed to gender inclusion and social justice, Queer Odyssey stands in solidarity with the Black community who has this week and throughout history experienced great loss due to systemic racism.

We honor all the lives lost recently as well as over time, including the recent killing of Tony McDade, a black transgender man who was killed by Tallahassee Police on Wednesday, May 27, 2020. As we fight for a gender inclusive world in which all young people feel seen, safe, and supported, we cannot ignore the impact of racism and transphobia in our society.

We join other LGBTQ2IA+ organizations in uniting to combat racial violence.

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We encourage all of you to take action, in whatever way you can. It is the responsibility of us all.

Many organizations have made progress in adopting intersectionality as a core value and have committed to be more diverse, equitable, and inclusive. But this moment requires that we go further — that we make explicit commitments to embrace anti-racism and end white supremacy, not as necessary corollaries to our mission, but as integral to the objective of full equality for LGBTQ2IA+ people.

We recognize we cannot remain neutral, nor will awareness substitute for action. The LGBTQ2IA+ community knows about the work of resisting police brutality and violence. We celebrate June as Pride Month, because it commemorates, in part, our resisting police harassment and brutality at Stonewall in 1969 New York City, and Compton's Cafeteria Riot August 1966 in the Tenderloin district of San Francisco, California, when such violence was common and expected. We remember it as a breakthrough moment when we refused to accept humiliation and fear as the price of living fully, freely, and authentically.

We understand what it means to rise up and push back against a culture that tells us we are less than, that our lives don't matter. Today, we join together again to say #BlackLivesMatter and commit ourselves to the action those words require.

We thank Gender Spectrum & @equalityflorida for language to support our statement.

Follow @queerodyssey instagram & check for current anti-racism resources and reading. More at queer

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Lastly, we offer a list of action steps for our white supporters to take, guiding you toward how to get more involved in this movement. Thank you for reading, and for getting involved!


White Supremacy Culture


Black Visions Collective:

Movement for Black Lives (M4BL):


Your local SURJ (Showing Up for Racial Justice) chapter:


White voters and urge them to support racial justice and hold elected leaders accountable:


To local actions that are organized and led by BIPOC (black, indigenous, and people of color) organizers and community members.


Our prayer at Youth Passageways is a world where all young people are supported on the path to adulthood. Right now, today, young people are in the streets and on their devices. We see you taking your courage, and you are truly making the world a better place with your bold action. Thank you for continuing the struggles of our ancestors.

Our work as a network is to “lovingly add young people to the hearth of community,” to paraphrase an African proverb. We know that this is impossible when siblings, parents, friends, relatives are being killed by police, and when the threat of violence, from the state and from those initiated into hate, looms daily. We call on our partners in emboldened and sustained action in defense of Black Lives. In equal measure, we call on our partners as sources of refuge, healing, and meaning-making as we move into an unknown future.

As a network, we uplift the policy demands of the Movement for Black Lives. We commit to strengthening our work around divesting from law enforcement and the criminal injustice system and toward youth development, and further amplifying and centering our partners hard at work in communities deeply impacted by police violence. We remain vigilant toward the true threats to our unity.

The current systems of power are not built for cultures rooted in trust, reciprocity, and care. As we call forth the world we want to live in, we must rely on each other, and the power we share in connection with one another, our ancestors, and the Earth we share with all Life.

In love and rage,

the Youth Passageways Leadership Circle (Marisa, Kruti, Dane, and Darcy)

P.S. We are a network of care. Those of us holding the center of Youth Passageways are here to share resources, build connections and do our part to respond to the calls of our partners. We know this is what strengthens and uplifts us all. Please ask for what you need and offer what you can, whether that is through our survey, social media, or via phone call.





Jett is thrilled for the opportunity to support you, with our co-guides and Ancient ones: the Old-growth forests of cedar and fir, the rocky headlands and sandy beaches, and the star-studded skies. Looking forward to exploring our birthright and reigniting our fires of play, curiosity and wonder in kinship with nature; to have our true nature reflected back to us again and again.


2018 a year of Liberation...2019 a year of Abundance. Creating a life with Devotion.


2018 a year of Liberation...2019 a year of Abundance. Creating a life with Devotion.

And so this is why, in roughly 48 hours, I begin my journey westward. YES! I’m coming out and shouting from the rooftops - I fell in love this summer! Angus and I want to give this a GO! We are creating a relationship of our own making & Queer AF - We are both frightened & excited! We adore each other. Por que no?! Right, Angus? ;-)

I've had the privilege of setting up my life in such a way that I have been able to work and travel and I have faith in maintaining that with some adjustments. Poco poco. And as I mentioned earlier, I considered while in Mexico, looking at devotion, that if I were to meet someone that resonated with me, I would go to where they are. This is happening & I couldn't be more thrilled. This is the next chapter of Queer Odyssey. From initiation to initiative. From self to community. From liminal space to anchoring in a place. From heartbreak to love invite.

2018 a year of Liberation...2019 a year of Abundance. Creating a life with Devotion.


Slay, Qween!


Slay, Qween!

A nomad at heart (I've been traveling for almost 4 years), I recently traveled to the Bay Area to spend the month of October there to sense if it is a place I wanted to drop anchor. It is. Finding myself falling in love with a total performer, actor, extroverted, drama therapist at this time is a big HELLO that I am calling in healing around whatever this is that stops me from pursuing something that I know brings me pleasure (dancing, making playlists, discovering music) and wanting to share with others. Knowing how to DJ (& Fusion Partner Dancing) would add to the skills I desire to round out my offerings as a Rite of Passage Guide & Level Up in my devotion to being a “Dancin' Bodhisatva in Service to Humans Risin' Up & Gettin' Down”.


What is your experience working with Queer youth?


What is your experience working with Queer youth?

I am a 47 year old Queer Adult who set out 3 + years ago to save my life. A journey of self-inquiry, embodiment and deep renewal of trust, authenticity and development of life-affirming boundaries and self-love. This determination, this healing process through lived experiences, is in large part accomplished because I have witnessed the youth of our times fierce determination to be visible through language and expression, gifting me the courage to be and do the same. It is really my duty of care and loyalty to them as an Older to serve as a reflection of possibility, have their backs and be an Ancestor of their wildest dreams.





Rites of Passage, for me, serves as a map for navigating life challenges. This lens I use to shape my world view, my Guides along the way, the lives I have impacted by being guided by my heart to live authentically is due in large part because of the compass I call Youth Passageways. I am eternally grateful & devoted to this body of work and honored to have been recently elected to the Stewardship Council.


2018 ALL NATIONS Gathering – Everyone has a Medicine


2018 ALL NATIONS Gathering – Everyone has a Medicine

This fall, in the Yellow Bear Canyon just outside of the Black Hills, Youth Passageways brought together a small intergenerational delegation, for relationship building, truth-telling and healing, and explored an alliance to support and uplift indigenous youth throughout the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. This gathering was one of the many threads that have and continue to build the tapestry of Youth Passageways over the last few years and feels like a foundational step towards actualizing YPW’s mission.

The theme of the 2018 gathering was Spirit Led. What this meant for the group was to allow the unseen to be welcomed and incorporated into our time together and to guide the journey throughout. Those gathered let go of attachment to specific ideas of schedule or form that could block the Blessings from coming through.





Being able to drop everything

Arriving home, feeling nice and sweet

Rejoicing from the bottom of my heart

With Mother Oak and Father Pine

Don’t overthink it, and it will be perfect

Shouldn’t something be wrong?

Celebrating being alive with a family of heart people

Nothing is wrong.

Is there anything else?

Is there anything else.



    In late January 2018, by luck (thanks to  ACORNS NW Forest School 's Kendra for posting on Social Media) & the grace of God, I discovered a program that is happening in June that raced my heart- The Call. The following is w


And now more than ever, as I watch the youth coming forward with #NEVERAGAIN & #MarchForOurLives, I see clearly that which I desired to contemplate here in Mexico this Winter- What does devotion look like? I will serve as a Guide for our Youth, but most importantly, I have their back, I will follow their lead.


Queer Calling - Returning a Different Way


Queer Calling - Returning a Different Way

You see the dancefloor is Church to me. It has been my refuge & sanctuary.  It has been where I felt like I belonged to something greater. The rhythm, the beats. the lyrics inspire me & uplift me in times of trouble & celebration.

 A big memory of myself as a youth growing up was me, in my room, walkman on, listening to music. This was my time that I enjoyed and it was also a time when I escaped- a coping skill when things got messy- for better or for worse. I don’t remember dreams much, but I do remember I used to dream in musicals sometimes. Folks expressing themselves; breaking out into song and dance to solve a problem, to declare their love. I watched old musicals with my Grandma.  I was raised on MTV.  I came of age on the dancefloor- a space in the 80's & 90's where my community felt safe to freely express their authentic self, to love and mix sweat with tears of those we have lost. I have evolved from making a mixtape for a friend; decorating the cassette to creating journeys through spotify for a larger listening.  These impressions created in a young person, impactful after all these years, provide some information that I’m listening to intently and curious how this can be incorporated into meaningful work for social justice & my devotion to uplifting marginalized & oppressed voices, as well as, provide a tether to youth through the sounds that move them- The movement is the rhythm in us. Seeking creative ways to keep the faith- sounds like a whole lot of fun & a life lived thru a Queer Calling


Rites of Passage as a road-map for navigating change


Rites of Passage as a road-map for navigating change

With all that said, I'm here, I'm totally opening up my Labor of Love to you. If you or anyone you know feel drawn to Rites of Passage as a road-map to navigating change, that something here resonates with you or you are simply curious, come engage with me and Queer Odyssey. 



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Before, during & after Calais, France "The Jungle" 8 hour UK Control Zone detaining. 
So much empathy for those trying to find their place after this experience.

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I decided this morning to go to Berlin. No plan, nowhere to stay-research showing hostels booked & airbnb out of my $ range. 
I woke up with the the words "trust" ( & that Bill Clinton 'came out', but that's a different story...) & that if I couldn't trust that the universe will provide in the "queerest city in Europe" then I've got issues. 
Before boarding the 7.90 euro fare bus from Hamburg to Berlin, a new friend from Stockholm confirmed I had a place to stay with a former flat mate! 
*ask for what you need/want
Now back to my wish list of things to do in Berlin & Hefeweizen. ;-)
Oh! & pictures of Stockholm & Hamburg soon. 
Tschüss! (Bye for now)





My one & only time I have used a plane to travel in Europe was from Malaga, Spain to Stockholm, Sweden. The opportunity to rest, regroup & explore what direction to take next +++ with a dash of the unexpected. This, so far in my journey, was the first time some anxiety & future tripping put me in a bit of a sulk. Fears & doubts were on the edges of all my thoughts & I worked hard not to allow them to drive decision-making.
